Tuesday, April 3, 2012

First Post!

Hello Cruel World,

My name is Chad, but you can call me Chadly.  I am in love with music, and over the years I have acquired some neat albums that I would love to share with you (because the world needs more sharing) So for the next few months (or years) I will give you a tour of my collection.  But I could probably talk about other things than just music...so I probably will.

The first musical memory I had was dancing in the living room to Greg Kihn's Breakup Song on 7" vinyl, This was when I was about 6 years old and my brothers and I would listen to this record on my Mom's fisher price record player (which she still has) while we would dance around in our jammies.  One day while dancing the record jumped off of the player and was stepped on by one of the children.  Sadly, it was cracked, and never played again.  About 20 years later I found a copy for 99 cents, but we will get into that later.

My "collecting" phase began shortly after high school.  One of my closest friends, Josh Bender, and I were quite obsessed with a certain Billy Joel, so we had a little contest to see who could get more of his records.  Now most of these we found at thrift stores, and they were easy to come by, and to be honest, I am not sure who won that contest, but it caused me to love the art of flipping through old records at second hand stores which is where I picked up the first part of my collection.

At first I started collecting rare records because it was cool (or at least I thought it was cool) but then I learned that vinyl just sounds better, well, for the most part.  Over time I started selling CDs and replacing them with the vinyl versions, as of me writhing this I still have about 400 CDs, and probably just as many records.  So thanks for being interested in something that I find interesting, and if you don't like it, read something else.


1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm glad you started a blog. Also, I look forward to hearing about your Billy Joel collection...I like Billy Joel music :)
